When one decade passes, it creates a desire for the next decade. I think Mr. Rockefeller had the right idea. It is easier said than done, to drop the worry. However, there is a gentleness in the intention to drop "the worry on the way." Life is a journey based on a desire to increase. We desire to advance and grow. There is nothing wrong with desiring a better life. We are all valuable and worthy of our desires. It is completely okay to expand and express this expansion through our dreams and actions.
My life feels most fulfilled when there is a balance between work and play. I am deeply fulfilled by supporting spiritual and energetic health for the past 10 years. My practice has been beautifully full of wonderfully divine human beings. My intention from the beginning was to allow those who I am meant to support to find me and then do my best to support them in the now. My deepest desire is to make life here on earth easier for myself and others. I have not gotten it right every time. My hope is to learn and do better. Part of the journey has been learning to give self as much love and grace that I give to others. I find it easy to love humanity and perhaps that is why I still enjoy my profession. I am deeply grateful for all the blessings of this decade.
One of my main values is learning. I am now a certified Mindvalley Life Coach and a 6 Phase Meditation Trainer. The learning I am most excited about right now is Money Coaching. My desire for the next decade is to support improved relationships with money. Money is part of being human and it is very supportive to the journey... to fall in love with money and all it can create. At money’s purest it vibrates at delight, gratitude, love, and abundance. I have witnessed that every time people learn to value and love themselves more, their net value increases. Everyone can be rich lawfully and righteously! Your dreams are yours because you have dreamed them. They belong to you, and all the actions to receive them are possible; otherwise, you would not have received the dreams. I am so grateful to be a life coach serving consciousness: time consciousness, wealth consciousness, joy consciousness, and health consciousness. We are fully human and fully divine at the same time; therefore, consciousness flows through all of us.
Recently, my children have attracted amazing opportunities. When I was in a space of, "How am I going to make this all work when my husband works out of town most of the time and I am running two businesses?" One of my life coaches asked “What if all these opportunities are not a problem but are an opportunity that is calling for you to expand as well?” Sometimes we are so close to our own life, we cannot envision the next expansion. In that moment, my life coach made me feel so cared for and supported. He gave me permission to step into possibility and give myself permission to reveal a solution that excites me and supports people in an aligned way. The akashic records informed and supported this revealing because all possibilities are in our records. Another one of my dreams is that one day, every person on the earth will have an aligned support person in their lives.
My word for 2025 is fulfillment. I know and trust that it will continue to align me with meaningful and fulfilling opportunities, experiences, growth, and expansion. What is your word for 2025? You are invited to send me a reply to this email with your word and intentions for 2025. I will hold space and help wish your intentions to reality.
Love & Grace,