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Upcoming Events

Love & Grace Membership.

Membership Details

We are moving to an energetic space without limits! This means Love & Grace Membership invites new members, always.

Read on to see what has been included for the last 12 months in this membership and what will be offered in the upcoming year.

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Alchemizing in the Akashic Records Group Healing

Saturday, March 15, 2025
10am - 12:30pm MST

Theme: Alchemizing Fear into Love with the Violet Flame Bonfire

This healing is intended to support healing fears and phobias located in the nervous system; these were created in this life, other lives, and by our ancestors. This healing is all about creating safety in our bodies and our lives so we can move forward with more joy, love, pleasure, success, happiness, safety, and abundance. 

** Please refrain from alcohol or recreational, mind-altering drugs 24 hours prior to or during training. **

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Akashic Ancestral Group Healing 
(Hosted by Octopus Method Inc.)

Saturday, April 12, 2025
10 am - 12:30 pm MDT

Facilitators: Kelly Ann Vass and Natasha Rocha
Theme: I AM Connected

Join your ancestors, your soul family and us for a guided akashic journey in person on zoom. This healing is personalized to who registers and the ancestors and soul family who answer the invitation. Each participant receives healing and a personalized channeled message live on Zoom. 

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Akashic Records Beginner Training with Kelly Ann Vass (in-person)

Saturday & Sunday, May 31 & June 1, 2025
9am - 5pm MDT in-person at Parati Yoga & Wellness (Edmonton)

NOTE: This event is in-person and ends at 5pm each day.

~ Consciously meeting your own soul ~

In this course we focus on consciously opening, reading, and closing your own records while increasing confidence. We learn how you connect and channel the records. You are introduced to the keepers of the akashic records. We focus on receiving healing and reading information from the records. We learn how to receive information from other lives to support us in this life.

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Akashic Ancestral Group Healing 
(Hosted by Octopus Method Inc.)

Saturday, June 14, 2025
10 am - 12:30 pm MDT

Facilitators: Kelly Ann Vass and Natasha Rocha
Theme: I AM Prosperous

Join your ancestors, your soul family and us for a guided akashic journey in person on zoom. This healing is personalized to who registers and the ancestors and soul family who answer the invitation. Each participant receives healing and a personalized channeled message live on Zoom. 

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The Octopus Method: Mastermind 
facilitated by Natasha Rocha and Kelly Ann Vass

Mondays, September 8 - December 1, 2025
12:30 pm to 2:30 pm MDT/MST live on Zoom

(October 13th off for integration)

Create health, wealth, and joy in every part of your life (from relationships to business) with our unique method.
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The Octopus Method™ Planner 


A new 90-day planner published by Natasha Rocha and Kelly Ann Vass

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